Trip Leader: Bill Belvin
October 30-November 4

There are still several spaces remaining on Bill’s trip. He has a permit for nine people total. If you are interested, contact Bill as indicated below.

Bill Belvin plans to lead a SCC backpacking trip in late October down the Paria Canyon. The group would be limited to a max of six people and would be five or six days total with either three nights / four days or four nights / five days in the canyon. Total trip length is about 41 miles including two miles to see Wrather Arch. While the trip is long normally water is available from springs throughout, temperatures will be mild, and the hike is level. The trip would start Saturday October 30. If you sign up you are committing yourself to a non-refundable $25 payment for your share of the permit cost. The fee could be refunded if Bill can find someone else to take your place. Cost of the trip is $5 per person per day for the permit. You can contact Bill at
Here’s a tentative agenda assuming three nights / four days.
Day 0 – Bill will pick up permits for the group. Meet at Lees Ferry and drop a car or two there. Remaining cars drive to the White House TH and car / tent camp. Alternatively we can hire a car shuttle to get us back to the White House TH to get our cars.
Day 1 – Start early at the White House TH and hike to the confluence of BG and the Paria River. 8 miles with packs. Along the way shoot Slide Rock Arch and the Paria Windows. The river may be largely dry with some mud for this section. The Paria River normally has water in it after the confluence with BG. Camp along BG near the confluence or along the Paria just past the confluence. Optionally explore Buckskin Gulch to the rockfall (estimated 2 miles RT with no or light pack).
Day 2 – Hike from the confluence downstream to mile 19 (near “The Hole”) picking up water at Big Spring. 11 miles with packs.
Day 3 – Hike to the opening of Wrather Arch Canyon (mile 20) and drop packs. Hike to Wrather Arch and back (2 miles) . Pick up packs and hike to Bush Head camp (mile 30). 13 miles total for the day.
Day 4 – Hike on dry land to Lees Ferry (mile 39).

Many images are at . Bill”s map and some info about the backpack, permits, etc. is at . Late October is a very good time to do the backpack with reasonable temps, relatively low water flow, and the leaves changing on the cottonwoods. October is a popular month in the canyon but with only 20 people allowed in each day we will rarely see others. Bill will probably reserve for five days so that we don’t have to make a firm decision as to how long the trip will be until later. You can always exit the Paria early but you can’t overstay your permit length. The primary advantage of five days is that you can spend more time at Wrather Arch and possibly get it in better light. The disadvantage is the extras food that must be carried.
There is also fee for camping at White House TH of $5 per campsite.

An ultrawide lens is best for Wrather Arch. Laurent has some info on the Paria Canyon backpacking in his Arizona book as well.

Tom Wardrup

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