President’s Newsletter – May 2022
As we wrap up the final month of the 2021-2022 Sedona Camera Club, I thank everyone in the organization for continuing your strong support through all the pandemic-required changes and limitations. On the plus side, we did experience many positives this past year.
A Board of Directors for 2022-2023 was elected. A primary goal for this election was to add several new members to the Board and to have most of the returning Board members change their assignments. That mission was well accomplished, with four new members added and five returning members in new posts.
By returning to monthly in-person meetings, we were concerned we would lose many members who could only attend virtual meetings. Happily, we’ve obtained many new members and our membership remains greater than 130.
Our financial status significantly improved. When the pandemic prevented our Sedona Photography Symposium committee from holding the planned workshops and presentations, the committee created a most successful and profitable virtual event. Later, when in-person meetings were viable, a successful 2-day workshop was created.
Our monthly meeting programs were successful, albeit requiring some last-minute changes in presenters, moving our meeting location, and implementing new safety practices.
Looking forward, we have begun to restart previously planned activities, e.g., Similar Interest Groups (SIGs), trips, and mentoring. We expect these activities to get off to a fast start in the coming year.
My special thanks to our Board of Directors for their ideas, commitments, and direct support for me when I was not available.
Be healthy and happy,