Letter from the president
Finally! Omicron is dropping to acceptable levels for meeting indoors if the appropriate safety protocols are followed. Therefore, we are returning to monthly in-person meetings. For the months of February, March, and April, we will meet at the Sedona Creative Life Center (SCLC) located at 333 Schnebly Hill Road, Sedona. The meetings will start at 6:00 PM. The doors will open at 5:30 PM, so come and visit and look at members’ prints submitted for monthly critiques.
The SCLC is comfortable and safe. In addition, we will follow the most recent CDC-recommended guidelines for indoor gatherings of 50 or more. For February, masks and safe distancing are required. We expect all attendees to be vaccinated. We will not serve refreshments. We will continue to monitor Covid and target fully open meetings as soon as acceptable.
Our February meeting will be extraordinary, with Rafael Pons, the developer of the PhotoPills app coming from Spain to be our guest presenter. If you are interested in learning how to plan your sun, moon and milky way photos ahead of time, then attend this meeting.
Many of our expected club functions have been severely constrained during this pandemic. Our Board of Directors believes that it is now time to restart planning for trips, Similar Interests Group (SIGs) meetings, and mentoring activities. If you are interested in any of these activities, please get involved with the appropriate Board member or me. We need to develop a “new normal” by simply getting started again. Of course, we can always use more members to get involved with leadership activities. Please let any Board member know what areas are of most interest to you.
Our bylaws require that a Nominations Committee be appointed and announced at February meetings each year. This provides the opportunity for each member to offer their help and guidance to continue to improve and grow our club. Please make a member of the Nominations Committee know of your interest(s).
While walking through my backyard this afternoon, I noticed several flower buds. So, it’s time for all of us to start looking for that unique field or plant or macro-opportunity. We will soon take photos of colors other than those in red rocks and green trees. Arizona wildflowers are often terrific. Let’s get ready.
May you be healthy, safe, and happy,