Happy Holidays Everyone

Although many modifications to our plans are required to deal with Covid and its variants, we remain optimistic about 2022. For a high level of safety, we have secured the use of the Sedona Creative Life Center for 2022 January through April monthly member meetings. We continue to plan for more opportunities for trips, Significant Interest Group activities, and mentoring as our environment gains more control of Covid. Individually, we hope everyone continues to take lots of pictures and learn more about our art. Around our homes, we can photograph people and pets and practice our macro skills. We can find safe places to shoot birds, wild animals, and landscapes out in the nearby forests. As the saying goes, “performance improves with practice.” My photographic New Year resolution is to do all the above.

The results of SCC submissions to the Arizona Camera Club Council (ACCC) Fall Roundup Competition were once again very successful. There were about 1100 submissions in total. We submitted 70 images. The judging targeted 40% of the photos submitted to be accepted for the second round.  We had 77% of ours accepted. ACCC judged about 10% of submissions to be rated honorable mention or better. We had 16% of ours achieve that level. The final level is to be ranked 1st, 2nd, or 3rd in each of eight categories. John Gafford received 2nd in the Motion category. Pam Holmes received 3rd in the Open Color category. As can be seen, we continue to perform very well in state-wide competition.

A late reminder for those who missed my November email, December 15th is the last date for submitting your images for critiques for January.

Have a safe and joyful holiday and a truly happy New Year


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