President’s monthly letter for August 2021
As we have for many years, the Sedona Camera Club plans to start our 2021-2022 year monthly meetings on the last Monday of September. As we move toward a post-Covid world, many adjustments will continue to be required to establish our new normal. Our Board of Directors has been meeting frequently during the past two months to establish how we start this new year and what changes will be required as we move forward. In this short note, I can only provide limited information on the details of what the Board is considering. More details will be provided very soon.
By way of introduction, my name is Roger Kiel. I was elected President for the 2021-2022 club year. I have been a member of the Sedona Camera Club for almost 20 years. It has been a fun and constant learning experience, which I trust will be true for all members.
While planning new activities, consolidating some and modifying others, we’ve been assessing the ever-changing environment from the pandemic. Almost daily, some iteration, such as the Covid Delta Variant, requires rethinking what can be done and when.
The previous Board of Directors decided last spring that starting in September 2021, we would return to in-person monthly meetings. The value of meeting together is believed to outweigh all other options for achieving the maximum amount of fun and learning. A part of this is the presentation at our monthly meetings by well established photographers. We already have obtained commitments from outstanding speakers for our complete 2021-2022 year.
A primary issue for the Board has been to obtain a firm commitment of a place to hold our monthly meetings. The Lutheran Church continues to assess whether they will be able to be fully open any time soon. Consequently, it. has been necessary to explore other options. As of this week, we have committed to hold our Camera Club Meetings at the Sedona Creative Life Center, 333 Schnebly Hill Road, on September 27, October 25 and November 29.
Submissions for image critiques for both digital and print images for the September meeting will be open this week. Details will be provided in a separate document.
We appreciate your patience and continued support as we continue our planning for another successful year.
Be happy, Roger