The Rounders, Copyright Sedona Historic Society. From the Collection of Bob Bradshaw

Beginning in 1931 with the filming of the ‘Riders of the Purple Sage’ based on the book by Zane Grey there were approximately 100 movies filmed in town. The last Western filmed in Sedona was ‘Stay Away Joe’ starring Elvis Presley.

The Sedona Heritage Museum is publishing a book to capture this exciting slice of Sedona history.  The book will provide information about approximately twenty movies featuring a promotional image of the movie from the year it was released and a current shot showing the same location today (“then” and “now”).   This is where you can help.

The museum is looking for a pool of 4-6 members of the Sedona Camera Club to photograph each movie’s “now” image.  A Sedona Historical Society (SHS) member will accompany the camera club members to the locations.  Photographs will be taken from the same location as the original.  Most locations will not require more than 100 yards of walking.  Several (3-5) locations will be visited each day with the hope that the project can be completed this summer.   Photographs included in the book will be credited to the photographer.
If you are interested in participating in this project, please contact Chuck Budden (member) and Diane Phelps Budden who is the editor and author of the book at:

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